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SkinVitalis ➱ cream for rejuvenation ➱ In Hungary

SkinVitalis ➱ cream for rejuvenation ➱ In HungarySkinVitalis ➱ cream for rejuvenation ➱ In Hungary
Availability in stock: quantity
13900 Ft
27800 Ft
8.8 / 10
Estimated delivery time:
1-3 days
Shipping Options:
Mail, courier and pickup

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Collagen with fat 99.5%
Хиалуронова киселина
Днк от ьомга
Centella asiatica

Indications for use:

For rejuvenation

Release form:


Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25C. Keep out of the reach of children

Holiday conditions:

No prescription


50 ml

Amount in a package:

1 pc

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  • Разтъркайте лицето си с кубче лед. Масажирайте с пръсти около областта на очите и устните
  • Нанесете SkinVitalis върху челото, бузите, скулите и в областта на деколтето. С бавните масажиращи движения разпространявайте продукта по цялото лице. Направете този масаж за 2-3 минути
  • Правете тази процедура ежедневно, докато постигнете желания резултат
Value for money
Availability in warehouses and pharmacies
Speed ​​and convenience of delivery
Availability of licenses and certificates for products
Product Efficiency
Overall Product Rating:

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Buy SkinVitalis you can always visit our website! We sell only original products with the ability to verify their authenticity! SkinVitalis - cream for rejuvenation always in stock! Price - 11900 Ft! Easy payment and fast delivery across Hungary!

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